Every month we pick someone who has in some way gone beyond the call of duty.
Their prize is a slap up meal for two at agency favourite Karama Curry (of course), as well as a strange Barnum-type item of stuffed animal freakery. Our previous squirrel-in-a-canoe contracted a nasty dose of flea and maggot infestation, so we hope that the latest two-headed chick will last a bit longer.
The winner this month is Stuart who, in the most extraordinary demonstration of valour, selflessness and bravery, stayed behind in Geneva to keep Sonja company when she contracted a nasty lurgy on our recent ski trip. With no idea whether he'd make it back for Christmas or not, Stuart went to the hospital with Sonja, held her hand, puffed her pillow, bought her grapes (probably) and then trekked through the streets of snow-sodden Geneva looking for somewhere to stay.
A happy ending ensued. Stuart made it home for Christmas turkey, Sonja's mum came out to keep her company and the young lass finally made it home and back to work to take up her role again as our beloved timesheet nazi.
God bless you Stuart. If our great nation had more people like you we could win back our national pride, and maybe a bit of our Empire as well