Friday, July 18, 2008

Man Friday

Today is and was Man Friday.
Next Friday will be Girl Friday, Dog Friday, Hair Friday or something similar.
As a result of Man Friday we needed some manly sustenance.
In this instance there is only one option.
We packed off a couple of likely lads to the local and they returned with more meaty bounty than we could ever have imagained.

Now I know there are some new age companies out there that will be tucking into some mung bean risotto whilst discussing the implications of social networking on their client's brand advocacy levels, but we just wanted to eat meat and talk about Jodie Marsh's new boob job.
Thus we feasted upon chicken, ribs, pulled pork, chips, beans and a hilarious attempt to get us to eat coleslaw.

Off we shuffled to the four corners of KarmaKube to scoff and natter.

And then it was gone.

This, people, is what life is about, so bleedin' live it.