Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust

We're a brave bunch here at Kristerama, but none more so that the intrepid cyclists who have to navigate the harsh streets of London to get to and from the Kube, our lovely new building way out west. So we support them with fresh fruit, sticky plasters and a loving hug.

But there are casualties I'm afraid, and Filthy Phil is the latest. Poor lad was cut up by some mad petrol-head as he was on his way to work. Phil, wearing the standard issue Karmarama Kamouflage of black top, black bottoms and free flowing locks, took a nasty tumble, did a spiral, landed on his head and took a right old hefty bang. Thankfully, years of drinking cheap Polish vodka has resulted in most of Phil's brain cells having already taken early retirement, so no serious damage there. Unfortunately his hand got pretty messed up and he's on operation number two as I write.

So, if you happen to be passing the Chelsea and Westminster and you see a moppy haired lad high on morphine but still trying to chat up the nurses, chances are it'll be our boy, so give him a quick kiss. Meantime, Dave is prowling the streets looking to rain down a bit of bad karma on a very rubbish London driver. Be warned.