Friday, May 9, 2008

More New People - What it this, the jobcentre!

And here's the last two for a while because they are more than a handful to deal with. Going by the name of Gemma and Lisa, but we've no idea which is which, they are currently lighting up the creative discipline here. But you don't want to hear it from boring old me - here they are in their own inimitable style:

We made the smallest ad in the world. (in the process of being put in the Guinness book of world records)
We were hungover when the pic was taken.
Were not actually northern. Though both of our dads were miners.
Gemma is a qualified ear piercer.
Lisa hates ice cream.
Robson Green saved Gemma’s life.
Lisa has met Paul Daniels.
We wrote the tag line for the home office.
We both appear alongside Stelios on the Easycruise documentary on Living TV.

Welcome daughters of miners, mine's a pint of black pudding